

Hey you,

my name is mira. i love drawing and sewing and singing. i do photography, music, pottery and writing. i love words and i find it fascinating to listen to different languages and to learn and compare vocabulary, detecting slight differences in meanings and use and consider them as the atoms of which our cosmos of thoughts is woven.

i’m interested in aesthetic patterns and little details. il like creative cocreation and humorous perspectives on difficult topics. i’interested in the quest and process of (self-)developpment and freedom and bursting categories and each of us can find a very unique way to tell stories of life and create personal meaning. my drawing is around sensitive and inclusive representation and i’m illustrating my own picture book about a child and a pig, who live on a vulcano-island.

i am from darmstadt, germany. i learned and lived in annecy (france), granada (nicaragua), rio (brazil) and maputo (mozambik). i studied at the university of frankfurt and bordeaux for a degree in arts + education and linguistics. i worked in political education, anti-racism, global learning and graduated in visual culture about representation and visual power structures.

mira schönegge hat ihr magistra artium in kunstpädagogik und linguistik an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main abgeschlossen.

… seither arbeite ich im entwicklungspolitischen bildungsbereich, als übersetzerin, mama, illustratorin, fallafel-verkäuferin und zuletzt als externe bildungsreferentin zu anti-rassismus.

ich zeichne, nähe, fotografiere und mache musik und keramik. ich liebe wörter und finde es faszinierend, verschiedenen sprachen zuzuhören, neue vokabeln zu lernen und bedeutungen zu erforschen. ich mag muster und kleine details, kreatives co-working und humorvolle blicke auf schwierige themen. mich interessieren entwicklungsprozesse und das aufbrechen von kategorien. ich finde es wichtig, witzige, traurige oder verrückte geschichten zu erzählen und dabei nie aufzuhören, nach der wahrheit zu suchen.

geboren bin ich in der nähe von darmstadt. in frankfurt a.m. und bordeaux habe ich mein studium absolviert, in annecy, granada (nicaragua), rio und maputo habe ich gelebt und gelernt. zurzeit wohne ich mit meiner tochter in berlin.

muesi means moon. sena is one of the various languages spoken in mozambique, where i lived for several months in 2012 and 2013. that was when i decided to create a platform for the things i want to share.

i do photography, music and i draw. i love words and i find it fascinating to listen to different languages and to learn and compare new words, detecting slight differences in meanings and use and consider them as the atoms of which our cosmos of thoughts is woven.

i’m interested in aesthetic patterns and details, creative cocreation, sensitive and inclusive representation, nature, travels, the quest for self-development and freedom and how each of us can find a very unique way to tell stories of life and create personal meaning.

i was born in darmstadt, germany and i lived, learned and studied in frankfurt a.m. i have a magister-degree in linguistics and education for art. i worked in the field of political education and graduated in visual culture about representation and visual power structures.

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