

illustration for #socialjustice

my studies of art for education and linguistics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt a.M. led me to an interdisciplinary thesis in the field of visual culture. I dug into the topic of representation – and so-called visual power structures – working out a combination of political and historical perspectives on systems of oppression, an observation of the visual world that surrounds us and strategies to break free from what we are used to see..

i linked scientific considerations, racism theory, visibility studies and exemplary image analyses to find solution strategies for more inclusive and diverse representation. finally, i included my own illustrations around these topics and liked illustrating in favour of complex problems. in order to think about representation within a post-migrant society, it is essential to clarify the connections between power structures, identity politics, postcolonialism, culture and individual perspectives. which images do I find in my visual environment? just as important: which not? which stories are told how and where? and which ones are not (yet) told?

if you have any questions or are interested in illustrations for your publication, don’t hesitate to contact me:

ARIC-NRW: Du gegen Diskriminierung – ein Empowerment-Projekt in Duisburg

ARIC-NRW e.V. is an Anti-Racism-Information-Center, working since 1994 in the field of Anti-racism and Anti-discrimination. The brochure is an evaluation of a workshop on networking, empowerment and support for NGO’s in the area of Cologne, where they analyzed the sensivity of the city of Duisburg concerning discrimination and a collection of what is helpful for the concerned communities.

MiT:MENSCHEN_a project of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brandenburg

MIT:MENSCHEN supports and complements the activities of committed individuals and actors from civil society, politics and administration in Brandenburg’s municipalities, who contribute to the democratic shaping of the community and advocate the integration and participation of refugees.

The project’s educational offerings impart knowledge about migration and integration through local historical approaches and promote a tolerant, non-discriminatory climate in Brandenburg’s communities. They support the participatory design of the direct communal living environment.

eFeF-weltwärts: Du, ich, wir und diese Strukturen_

Das evangelische Forum entwicklungspolitischer Freiwilligendienst hat einen Leitfaden herausgegeben zu sensiblem Sprachgebrauch und “power and communication” auf ihren Seminaren:

global match_

GlobalMatch is a platform that connects people from different parts of the world through digital media to exchange ideas, share opportunities and shape the future together. Participants will experience the world from another perspective, enhance their intercultural skills and learn what it means to work together at eye level. These are illustrations for their welcome-webinar:

quix: Gender_Sexualitäten_Begehren in der entwicklungspolitischen und machtkritischen Bildungsarbeit

Willst du mit mir gehen?

quix is a collective of different people who work as trainers in power-critical educational work. With their work they want to question social power and power relations, sensitize people to discrimination mechanisms and integrate intersectional perspectives and approaches. In 2017 quix has published a brochure about the topics gender_sexualities_desire for educational work. These topics are illuminated with a queer_feminist, racism-critical and intersectional perspective in a low-threshold manner – the main focus is on educational work in the context of development policy (especially international volu

In 2017 quix has published a brochure about the topics gender_sexualities_desire for educational work. These topics are illuminated with a queer_feminist, racism-critical and intersectional perspective in a low-threshold manner – the main focus is on educational work in the context of development policy (especially international volunteer services). The booklet is aimed primarily at trainers, educational institutions, development policy organizations and voluntary service organizations, but also at participants and former volunteers.

For the project people from different backgrounds, perspectives and positions wrote texts, interviews, comics, illustrations or poems. Topics such as language and power, intersections of sexism and racism, heteronormativity, experience reports from queer seminar participants, privileges, sexualized violence, critical masculinity and more are addressed in the brochure.

You can download the brochure for free: Willst du mit mir gehen?

Bilder im Kaleidoskop der Kulturen_magistra artium_2014

The series imágenes migrando : Migrating Images was created as a visual accompaniment to my thesis. In the densely overgrown jungle of academic discourses, the drawings can be seen as glades in which the eye can rest in between…

What is the problem of representation, where does it come from, what effects does it have? In order to understand the complex structures of power and society where representation has a big impact, the theoretical foundation of the thesis is a foray through various related topics such as postcolonialism, racism theory, political correctness and cultural identity.
It focuses on the deconstruction of our “seeing”-habits and the question about new principles for the image production.

The thesis can be downloaded here.

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